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Sporting 12

Consists of:

One 12-button Transmitter
12 separate Radio Receivers 


Remote controlled release for all makes of clay pigeon traps. 

Controls the complete ground from one box. Ideal for layouts where one trapper oversees several traps. Any number of birds may be thrown simultaneously.

We are happy to do customised systems to your request.


  • LCD - clay counting LCD option with on/off switch.
  • Key switch - On/off key for security and safety to allow only authorised operation of the transmitter.
  • Sporting 24 - controls 24 traps, where an additional "bank" switch allows for the selection between the first set of 12 and the second set of 12 traps.
  • Multiposition Switch - as Sporting 24, but the "bank" switch has several positions allowing for any number of traps to be controlled from one transmitter.